2022 Professor Yan Xuedong Postdoctoral Recruitment

1. Co-advisor: Dr. Yan Xuedong

2. Department: Majors in International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University

3. Research field: International Relations Theory

4. Proposed research plan:

Research on international leadership based on moral realist theory. The main research will be on the basic principles of the formation, survival, and demise of international leadership, and on the basic conditions and strategies required to establish international leadership in the light of the current characteristics of the times.

5. Recruitment requirements.

(1) Full-time, under 35 years of age

(2) Within 2 years of doctoral degree attainment.

(3) Basic knowledge of international relations theory and understanding of the principles of moral realism; mastery of the basic methods of empirical international relations science and the ability to use statistical methods for quantitative analysis; good reading and writing skills in English.

*Applicants are recomomended to apply for Tsinghua University's "Shuimu Scholars" program: http://postdoctor.tsinghua.edu.cn/thu/index.htm

6. Number of nominees: 2

7. Application deadline: December 2022

8. Contact:

Applicants should send their full academic CV to tuiir@tsinghua.edu.cn